Emily June Mattsen


Emily June grew up in the beautiful state of Washington. She started doing gymnastics at the young age of three, and continued competitively until she was eighteen years old. Gymnastics was her focus for most of her adolescent years so she wasn’t super exposed to the outdoors until college. This is where she fell in love with backpacking and skiing. 

Emily also did not grow up Christian, but was invited to Mass during her Freshman year of college at Eastern Washington University. She had no idea what she was walking into, but she had an experience like no other. After a year of prayer and discernment, she enrolled herself in RCIA and received the sacrament of baptism, confirmation and first communion in 2020. She finished out her college years at EWU, and graduated with a degree in Psychology. 

Emily spent her 2023 summer interning with COR, and quickly fell in love with the mission behind trips. She loves the intimate moments she has with Christ out in the backcountry. She firmly believes that nothing purifies you more than being in the wilderness. Emily June has seen the transformation that has happened in her own life, and has a true passion for allowing others to have the same experience.

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Please make your check out to COR Expeditions. In the memo line put “Emily Mattsen Support.” Mail your check to COR Expeditions, 306 Main St. Lander, WY 82520.

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